What You Can Do to Prevent Fall Injuries

Old man walking outside with a walker and trying to prevent a foot injury.

September is Falls Prevention Month. This topic is one that hits close to home for me after my 87 year old father, who was on blood thinners at the time, sustained what he deemed an insignificant fall after getting up from the couch, slipping and landing hard on his bottom. Aside from a bruised bum and pride, he didn’t see any other obvious injuries or side effects, so he didn’t inform his doctors or family. It wasn’t until several days later, he started experiencing weakness and needed to use a walker. My father, who had been going to the gym daily and walking unassisted, suddenly became so deconditioned that he could barely stand up. The fall he sustained, had caused small vessels in his brain to stretch and snap, and since he was on blood thinners, the bleeding continued between his brain and skull, and without any room to escape, the pressure was applied directly to parts of his brain, affecting his strength, mobility, and ultimately his speech. Fortunately for my family, it was discovered in time and after undergoing surgery to remove the blood and stop the bleeding, he made a full recovery after months of physical therapy and rehabilitation. 

But not everyone is so fortunate. 

According to the National Council on Aging, over 1 in 4 adults over 65 years of age, experience a fall each year. It is the leading cause of fatal injuries and most common cause of non-fatal trauma admissions to the hospital. 

Falls result in more than 3 million injuries treated in the emergency room, yearly. 

Regardless of age, implementing a falls prevention program is key to reducing the risks of these injuries. Here are some tips and things to consider:

Tell your doctor or podiatrist if you have been feeling unstable or off balanced. Shoe gear recommendations can be made and an assessment to see if you qualify for physical therapy or occupational therapy to improve strength, stability and coordination. A fall risk assessment of your home can also be made by home health care services. 

Call us at (512) 394-5108 or make an appointment online at Bluebonnet Foot and Ankle Institute  if you have any of the above concerns either for you or your family members. We are here to keep you moving!


Dr. Babak Kaviani

Dr. Babak Kaviani is a board certified podiatrist and founder of Bluebonnet Foot and Ankle Institute. He demonstrates his love of podiatric medicine in his continued charity work and mission trips to Latin America. When he is not practicing medicine, you can find Dr. Kaviani spending time with his wife and two kids, cooking, swimming, or enjoying a good book.